My backups have been set to start at 1300 local time. After daylight saving time has changed last Sunday here in Europe, backups now start an hour earlier at 1200 local time. Is there a way to adjust this using a setting in Duplicati or do I need to manually adjust each backup job?
I am running duplicati, using the GUI.
Sorry, I only did a search for the terms “daylight” and “dst” in the forum which didn’t bring up this bug report. Happy to see that it is taken care of.
Since my original thread has been closed and this seems to be the replacement thread, here goes…
I don’t think this is directly related to a summer/winter time change.
A summer (GMT-4) job scheduled at 7:15pm (M-F) will run on a Sunday at 8:15pm because Duplicati thinks it’s 0:15am on Monday (see screenshot Dup-Rep-DST.jpg).
A winter (GMT-5) job scheduled at 7:15pm (M-F) will run on a Sunday at 7:15pm because Duplicati thinks it’s 0:15am on Monday (Dup-Rep-EST.jpg).
A summer (GMT-4) job scheduled at 7:15pm (M-F) won’t run on a Friday because Duplicati thinks it’s 0:15am on Saturday.
A winter (GMT-5) job scheduled at 7:15pm (M-F) won’t run on a Friday because Duplicati thinks it’s 0:15am on Saturday.
In either case, whether it’s winter or summer, the start time for this job is 0:15am GMT… It’s getting hard to wrap my head around the logic here!
Btw, this has been an issue since at least the 1st few months of 2017.