Could not find file "/tmp/dup-d5b6decc-f961xxxxx-xxxx79f5"

Unable to to complete a backup this error everytime
Unraid docker duplicati (300.2 KB)

I increased the remote volume option from 50 to 5tb and seems to have worked for the TMP error but now im getting this error
One or more errors occurred. (The channel "BackendRequests" is retired (The channel "BackendRequests" is retired) (One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.) (The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.) (The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.)))) DismissShow

You almost certainly do not want to do this. 5tb remote volumes are insanely huge. Please check out this page: Choosing Sizes in Duplicati - Duplicati 2 User's Manual

Ok thanks think I was just trying to see if any increase would help, didn’t realize it was so detrimental, thanks and idea on the remote server error? Actually disregard that backed error was from Google drive

The “forbidden” error was after you changed to 50TB, right? What error message did you receive when you were using 50MB remote volumes? Edit - never mind I guess it’s the title of this thread.

Also what back end are you using?

Originally I was using Google drive but have since changed to sftp which IS connected but am now getting error, actually this error is from Google drive

Issue resolved no further help needed

How did you resolved it ?