Compact without download volumes

but one test found

Perhaps the “practically disables” moves closer to “disables” if a big blocksize makes wastepercentage jump to 100% when its one block turns to waste. Maybe in other cases, rounding somewhere stops it, or

As a technical side note, the blocks in a dblock file may include small blocks such as metadata that don’t follow deduplication blocksize, so you might get a dblock volume that’s almost-but-not-completely empty.

Threshold based compacting at a volume level would do a download-compact on the remnants, but this might require a compact trigger at the destination level, if I recall correctly, and I haven’t looked in awhile.


--threshold = 25
As files are changed, some data stored at the remote destination may not be required. This option controls how much wasted space the destination can contain before being reclaimed. This value is a percentage used on each volume and the total storage.

Feature Request: Time Limit for Compaction is another feature request aimed at limiting long compact run. Tweaking the single threshold setting could not get there. Maybe separate settings for destination and the individual volumes could reduce the avalanch effect a little, but it all needs to be thought out – and written…

Please let us know if you have any comment on what I’m saying based on my rather limited look awhile ago.