Compact without download volumes

Multiple backup sources and one destination; what can go wrong? got into some concerns, however

and “disable testing” is going to have some effects, but I don’t use Glacier so I’m not sure how much.
I assume “disable testing” means the Verifying backend files step that sample-downloads some files.

How well and fast do other Duplicati operations like file list and delete operations work on Glacier
without having to suffer through a long wait? If those two don’t work, that’s another loss, so contents
can’t be verified at the file level either. There’s also the case where a failed put gets a delete then a
retry put under a different name. A list may be tried to check on the original failure or the recovery.

All of this odd handling is why I’m not a big fan of cold storage. In comparison, Google Cloud Archive
class sounds like it acts like hot storage, with the primary difference being in the way that you pay…

I’m not sure where to follow up. This is slightly related to both @cristianlivella topics, but not totally.