Client-side agent and centralized management / dashboard

I haven’t had much chance to test it on 2 for the newer version. The good news is that the compiled binaries are built with Python 3, so even if you only have Python 2 the binary acts exactly as if you had Python 3 installed.

I think it’s most realistic to deliver it as a compiled binary for each platform as it has no dependencies, but I have every intention of keeping it as compatible as possible with 2/3 for the next 2 years, 1 month, and 15 days :slight_smile:

@kenkendk and @jonmikeIV
No, python is extremely rare in windows. Using it for the first time in Windows 2 weeks ago it was very difficult to work out how to use it. So it really isn’t designed for windows users. Therefore self contained binaries are definitely the way to go in Windows. (I have been working in organisations supporting Windows users since WFW3.11 and I’ve never come across a user with python installed.)

@JonMikelV I have python installed on my Windows machine and the self contained version works just fine. Actually, python on windows is a weird beast from what I’ve been able to understand. You have to “enter” a python environment (command line or gui) for it to be available to you. Otherwise, it is just windows.

@crazy4chrissi I agree. 6mb is not a problem if it is self contained and easy to use. Not having it selfcontained is a major barrier to use for a windows user.

Sorry for stupid question but Where I can get Windows .exe of client?) Or I have to build by myself?

And the second. Can I disable password prompting when it requires but ommitted?

I release windows binaries here Releases · Pectojin/duplicati-client · GitHub

The client only prompts for password if the server requires a password to login. And if you like you can provide the password in a parameters-file so it doesn’t have to ask for a password at all.

thank you. But if I want to break my script if password prompted or wrong? Can I do this?

Currently it prints an error, but it does not change the exit code with wrong login, so you wouldn’t be able to tell if it succeeded without parsing the output.

I’ll update it for next release to exit with a non-0 exit code on wrong login so it’s easier to script against.

I don’t see priint error: only ascing password. so my script paused without any errors. And I can’t handle it.
May be new parameter --batchmode needed (as in WinSCP).

If you just need it to error out if it asks for a password then you can just set a wrong password inline.

 # duc login http://localhost:8200 --password=pass
 Error authenticating against the server

but if i run without --password= - error message didn’t appear.

It’s not critical for me now. Only a suggestion.

I see your point, it’s a bit weird to have to specify a wrong password to get it to not run interactively. I’ll add it for next version :slight_smile:

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What about add great client to installation?) It will be useful with autoupdate.

I hope to eventually add it in, but the client is only a month old and I’d like to make sure it’s stable and useful before adding it :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone,
I have been using duplicati for several years for a lot of users. This ownhost monitoring project seemed very interesting for the cross of duReport and Duplicati Monitoring.

Any news ? new dev ? can we help to test or maybe dev ?

FYI more third-party monitors (which I have not tried):

Duplicati Dashboard - Monitoring solution

Duplicati grafana dashboard