Case sensitivity regarding filenames

Wow, a lot has happened since my last visit. Sorry for my late reply, I was on my bread job, and also I’ve been reading to get the basics about USN journal, but I am only scratching the surface by now.

You pricisely hit the black: after removing usn-policy from the advanced options, renamings of just capital changes were recognized by Duplicati (no need to deliver more details, after your extensive tests) - I just confirm that it solved my problem. USN-policy was the difference in our settings I was looking for. I turn off the USN option until one day the code gets developed further:

From reading throug articles and skimming the code (far from understanding), I spotted some hints, which I want to share (you decide if useful of not):

From the source code comments it looks as the code still relies on the USN_RECORD_V2 structure
(Refer to code line # 242 //TODO: add support for V3 records),
while Win 10 delivers USN_RECORD_V3 minimum and Win 11 USN_RECORD_V4 for sure. Microsoft points out to design principles to stay compatible with changing USN Journal versions:

USN_RECORD_V3 structure (winioctl.h)
USN_RECORD_V4 structure (winioctl.h)

USN_REASON_RENAME_NEW_NAME fields stayed unchanged, one difference is that USN_RECORD_V4 structure lacks of a filename member. But a USN_RECORD_V4 is followed by minimum one USN_RECORD_V3 where the file name can be retrieved from.

This could also be the reason for multiple file names appearing in a single version and USN Structure changes would explain why the situation is worse with Win11.

Without going into deep how the code currently retrieves the file names, USN version compatibility would be a good strategy to start with.

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