Can't get to work as service

Sorry I’m quite lost in the profile references as to which is which.

Was this a reinstall of the service, or just the ordinary GUI install?

Which one? You couldn’t find the other one. Which one was this?

What does this mean? The backup, job exports, something else?

Which profile is this? Maybe you can give names to your profiles. “Old” could mean any mentioned earlier.

If you followed Duplicati Tutorial 02 Install Duplicati as a Service closely, it has you use --portable-mode so profile is (I think) in C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\data". If you didn’t use that, I think profile will wind up under C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Duplicati which is the profile for SYSTEM user and is rather protected. You can open a command prompt as Administrator if you want to get to that folder. Ordinary user profiles (without --portable-mode) follow a similar convention and reside in the user’s profile C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Duplicati (AppData is a hidden folder. Change File Explorer setting to see those).

The second thing you might be running into is the way things look in the web UI, and this can be confusing when you have multiple Duplicati running (for example one as a service and another not as a service) as a Duplicati (at least the TrayIcon version – I’m not totally sure about the standalone server) move upwards to a different port if ports are already taken. So you could have a Duplicati at :8200, and another one at :8300. Unless you really like or need this, life is less confusing if you never have more than one Duplicati, at 8200. Possibly this is what you meant by “keeps active”, or do you mean you infer activity from other indications?

Duplicati components
Introduction to the Graphical User Interface

Migrating from User to Service install on Windows is kind of lengthy, but might give you helpful information, and I hope some of the above is also helpful even though I’m not totally following what you’re wanting to do. Usually a migration where old settings and jobs are used is a good thing, but you wish to reload somehow.

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