Can't access backups after update to

Are there backup job files anywhere? They’re usually near the server DB.
Names are random-letters.sqlite so they’re a little hard to do a search for.

It appears so. This is new code, so maybe the author can help at some point, but I’m seeing

which looks like it might be doing the .bak suffix, and the backup prefixed one might be from

The old Windows database was RC4 encrypted in its entirety by default. New one uses optional field-level encryption of sensitive data. There’s also a DB version update. That’s in second code.

It’s possible to look in the non-RC4 databases with an SQLite browser such as DB Browser for SQLite, but Duplicati is already looking in Duplicati-server.sqlite and not seeing jobs. Maybe the backup Duplicati-server… DB has them (see Backup table), but I wouldn’t count on it. The RC4 encrypted database (probably the .bak one, if I read comment right) may require old Duplicati.

As for the job database, the names appear to match regular expression ^[A-Z]{10}\.sqlite$ which you can use with Everything if you turn on Search → Enable Regex. This narrows results.

Finding the job database is not essential as they can be recreated, but they shouldn’t disappear, and their location might help solve the mystery of what server database was most recently used.

Default setup ought to be at SYSTEM profile location, but where’s the job database, and why is server database looking jobless as well? If you want, we can downgrade to per article at
Downgrade from to but I’m not convinced that will fix, e.g. missing job databases.