Cannot get purge to work

I would like to delete all copies of a file that was backed up from my Linux /home directory to a Dropbox backend. Let’s say the file is called unwanted_file.txt, so I have run the following in terminal:

duplicati-cli purge dropbox://home?authid=MyAuthID unwanted_file.txt --dbpath=/home/user/.config/Duplicati/12345678901234567890.sqlite --dry-run

but I get the following error:

ErrorID: PurgeWouldRemoveEntireFileset
Refusing to purge 138852 files from fileset with ID 1, as that would remove the entire fileset.

I don’t understand this. The file has only been backed up 3 times, and this numbers suggests the command wants to delete all files in my /home backup. Trying something similar in the GUI commandline and the process seems to simply never end; I let it run for over 2 hours and it still said “Running …” with --dry-run.

How can I simply delete these 3 file backups?

Does it help if you prefix the filename like this: --include=unwanted_file.txt

No, I tried it and got the exact same error:

ErrorID: PurgeWouldRemoveEntireFileset
Refusing to purge 138852 files from fileset with ID 1, as that would remove the entire fileset.

What version are you using? Version fixed a bug involving purging on Linux that would remove too many files.

In my test environment, the purge command did not give any output.

When using the commandline tools from the GUI, you have to specify the passphrase (--passphrase="mypassword"), because there is no way to provide it when the operation is running.

Duplicati stores the complete path for each file and folder and it expects a complete path as input for operations like purge. Wildcards are allowed.
Replace unwanted_file.txt with "*/unwanted_file.txt" (including double quotes).

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I am reanimating this old thread. I have the same message which I also do not unterstand so instead of a new thread I think it makes sense to continue this thread!

A backup set which is 3 or 4 years old with hundreds of versions and about 107k different files backuped.
Windows 10, Duplicati Version

If I browse the backup I have different folders and many, many different files. Now I want do purge Thunderbird Windows Index Files. These files are in folders called mozmsgs. So I made a Filter. A Regex .*mozmsgs.*

"C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\Duplicati.CommandLine.exe" purge "file://\\server\share\duplicati\backup01" --backup-name="local-01" --dbpath="C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Duplicati\jobdbs\local-01.sqlite" --encryption-module="aes" --compression-module="zip" --dblock-size="250MB" --passphrase="xxxxxxx" --disable-module="console-password-input"  --asynchronous-upload-limit=2 --synchronous-upload=false --include="[.*mozmsgs.*]" --dry-run

And I also geht the message

Listing remote folder …

ErrorID: PurgeWouldRemoveEntireFileset
Refusing to purge 0 files from fileset with ID 1594, as that would remove the entire fileset.
To delete a fileset, use the “delete” command.

Does this mean that there is a version that only contains “mozmsgs” files and therefor I have to delete this version manually before I can use purge?
Weired is the message “purge 0 files

Update 11.01.2023
One step further! I looked in the database and saw that FileSet 1594 is a fileset with no files! It is also listed with no files and no size

So I deleted version 18 with the delete command

Now re-run the purge with include="[,*mozmsg.*]" and it is now doing it’s job!
