What length are you getting for that file right after download? Is it either the actual or expected Duplicati got?
What’s somewhat odd is that Duplicati does an early file listing as a sanity check, and it checks listed lengths. Example error message from a test backup job log when I added an extra byte to the end of a file for this test:
The file duplicati-20181123T193503Z.dlist.zip.aes was downloaded and had size 926 but the size was expected to be 925
If you could obtain a file listing with length directly from Wasabi, you can also see if it matches download size. Unfortunately sometimes tools give sizes in larger units, whereas what I’d prefer would be an exact size of file. Here’s an example of larger units, using a tool that you might also find useful to download with Duplicati code:
C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTool.exe help
Usage: <command> <protocol>://<username>:<password>@<path> [filename]
Example: LIST ftp://user:pass@server/folder
Supported backends: aftp,amzcd,azure,b2,box,cloudfiles,dropbox,file,ftp,googledrive,gcs,hubic,jottacloud,mega,msgroup,onedrivev2,sharepoint,openstack,rclone,s3,od4b,mssp,sia,ssh,tahoe,webdav
C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTool.exe list "file://C:/Duplicati Backups/local test 7 encrypted"
Name Dir/File LastChange Size
duplicati-20181123T193503Z.dlist.zip.aes File 11/24/2018 10:19:31 AM 926 bytes
duplicati-20181123T193602Z.dlist.zip.aes File 11/23/2018 2:36:03 PM 925 bytes
duplicati-20181124T005226Z.dlist.zip.aes File 11/23/2018 7:52:26 PM 925 bytes
duplicati-ba10b1775b7194e5da729ee932459c479.dblock.zip.aes File 11/23/2018 2:35:03 PM 1.40 KB
duplicati-bea036779eba84c48921bd4a3d65f122e.dblock.zip.aes File 11/23/2018 2:36:02 PM 1.40 KB
duplicati-i63dd01a09b7e4203acf936d973f430ce.dindex.zip.aes File 11/23/2018 2:36:02 PM 1005 bytes
duplicati-i7ab65cb97dce48a59845f69daf92216a.dindex.zip.aes File 11/23/2018 2:35:04 PM 1005 bytes
C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>
How are you even getting a ZIP to open? When I get the “altered” error, SharpAESCrypt doesn’t make a ZIP. WinRAR’s plan for an encrypted ZIP file format is different anyway, so I wouldn’t expect it to open Duplicati’s.
EDIT: A file size issue on file list before a backup apparently isn’t fatal, but adds warnings to a notification log or a –log-file log, if either is used, otherwise I’m not sure if the warning before backup is saved. From my log:
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Profiling-Timer.Begin-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler-PreBackupVerify]: Starting - PreBackupVerify
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Profiling-Timer.Begin-Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager-RemoteOperationList]: Starting - RemoteOperationList
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: List - Started: ()
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: List - Completed: (7 bytes)
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Profiling-Timer.Finished-Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager-RemoteOperationList]: RemoteOperationList took 0:00:00:00.000
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Profiling-Timer.Begin-Duplicati.Library.Main.Database.ExtensionMethods-ExecuteReader]: Starting - ExecuteReader: SELECT DISTINCT "Name", "State" FROM "Remotevolume" WHERE "Name" IN (SELECT "Name" FROM "Remotevolume" WHERE "State" IN ("Deleted", "Deleting")) AND NOT "State" IN ("Deleted", "Deleting")
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Profiling-Timer.Finished-Duplicati.Library.Main.Database.ExtensionMethods-ExecuteReader]: ExecuteReader: SELECT DISTINCT "Name", "State" FROM "Remotevolume" WHERE "Name" IN (SELECT "Name" FROM "Remotevolume" WHERE "State" IN ("Deleted", "Deleting")) AND NOT "State" IN ("Deleted", "Deleting") took 0:00:00:00.000
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor-MissingRemoteHash]: remote file duplicati-20181123T193503Z.dlist.zip.aes is listed as Verified with size 926 but should be 925, please verify the sha256 hash "mhNWhG6TOLk+4q4rKlOicaM83ilRjkwGL4SGq3Sfb1s="
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Profiling-Timer.Finished-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler-PreBackupVerify]: PreBackupVerify took 0:00:00:00.001
From end of my notification email:
Log data:
2018-11-24 10:19:44 -05 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor-MissingRemoteHash]: remote file duplicati-20181123T193503Z.dlist.zip.aes is listed as Verified with size 926 but should be 925, please verify the sha256 hash "mhNWhG6TOLk+4q4rKlOicaM83ilRjkwGL4SGq3Sfb1s="
2018-11-24 10:19:45 -05 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor-MissingRemoteHash]: remote file duplicati-20181123T193503Z.dlist.zip.aes is listed as Verified with size 926 but should be 925, please verify the sha256 hash "mhNWhG6TOLk+4q4rKlOicaM83ilRjkwGL4SGq3Sfb1s="
2018-11-24 10:20:25 -05 - [Error-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.TestHandler-FailedToProcessFile]: Failed to process file duplicati-20181123T193503Z.dlist.zip.aes
System.Exception: The file duplicati-20181123T193503Z.dlist.zip.aes was downloaded and had size 926 but the size was expected to be 925
at Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager.GetForTesting(String remotename, Int64 size, String hash)
at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.TestHandler.DoRun(Int64 samples, LocalTestDatabase db, BackendManager backend)