Backup Warnings - The supplied option --auth-password is not supported and will be ignored

Is this an empty option (e.g. nothing --auth-password= with nothing to its right), or an actual password?

While I could see a remote chance of Duplicati inventing options out of nothing, right password isn’t likely.

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help auth-password
  --auth-password (Password): Supplies the password used to connect to the
    The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as
    the environment variable "AUTH_PASSWORD".

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>

is another way for passwords to get in. –parameters-file might do it too, but I’m not sure Export reads it.

Typically I think people just use the default GUI flow and the password winds up in Duplicati-server.sqlite, where it could be removed, but I’d hope it’s also in the UI somewhere (including places in the link I cited).

Possibly some option filtering occurs, so you don’t see --auth-password unless it’s valid for that storage.

There seems to also be some ambiguity over where passwords live. Sometimes they’re on Target URL, attached with semicolon. Other times they’re presented as standalone options. Which place is yours at?

Commandline gives a clear split between Target URL and options. GUI job edit is two part but less clear: