Backup valid, but still unrestorable?

I think it would be good to create a github issue to track this bug down if you haven’t already. I am curious does it occur if you try to restore the files locally? (move the backup to a machine with duplicati on it and run it on system)

Yes, it will. Anyway, currently the backup restore tests are run over SMB and 10 Gbit network. It doesn’t make any difference (confirmed) if I copy files to local disk.

I’ve provided in one private thread a data set which causes database restore to crash. Filenames aren’t that sensitive and those would actually matter. But this is just one of the problems, now I think there are at least three overlapping “show stopper” level quality issues.

@ts678 If tarianjed needs the backup data I provided, it’s ok to forward it.

Also when I said that the database restore build performance is absolute nightmare. It seems that it’s usually related to message “registering missing blocks”. Same kind of backup can restore in 5 minutes versus 5 days, depending if that message is seen. I haven’t 100% proof of that. But now I usually just abort the restore test as soon as I see that message. Also there might be some issue with local-blocks because if I do not disable local-blocks that message seems to make the performance even worse. This is just a feeling again. No guarantees. But both seem to indicate situation where things first go slightly wrong and then the “fix” step is also problematic and leads to very bad end situation.

@ts678 It sounds good, always when issues are located, it helps. And for sure, sometimes deep logic issues are really agonizing to locate. Been there, done that.

I hope the FTP issue thread also helps to fix several overlapping issues, because it clearly points out the problems I’ve strongly suspected earlier.