Backup results in access denied error

I think this might explain a bit of my problem:

So it seems like a solution would be to remove the registry key to allow VSS to “backup” .ost files. (And since .ost files are a bit difficult you need another tool to convert it to .pst)

Maybe this was also the issue for the thread starter, that his file was excluded by VSS in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\BackupRestore\FilesNotToSnapshot

For me I will use another folder/mailbox in outlook that is using a .pst file so I can move the important email to that folder/mailbox. Cause this was a bit painful.

Well that’s puzzling. If you go into the global settings you definitely see the option there? It should apply downward to the jobs that don’t have it explicitly defined.

Oh, interesting. I had no idea certain files could be excluded from snapshots.

Yes, in global settings the option is selected, but it does not show when I export a job config.
But it does apply.
So it seems like it is what you said,

Thanks again. I think this solves it in my case, and perhaps for the thread starter also.

It should show up in the export, then. At least it does on mine when I tested it.