Backup only last 2 years files

Welcome to the forum @jeferson

This worries me. Is this the one backup (risky)? Is it local or remote (slow)? Is long DR downtime OK?

Also not advised, as it prevents use of VSS (locked file semi-solution) and USN (can speed up backup) rather than a slow scan over the network. Any idea how many files there are in that rather large 12 TB?

I don’t think there’s any such feature, but use of Features category can request them (can take awhile).

is a workaround, but I’m not sure how reliable use of an archive bit is. Again, how critical (or not) is this?

Do you have long experience with it? Although it’s best to backup on source system, what’s the backup system OS and capacity? You might do better having a drive on that do some date-filtering during sync, thereby allowing Duplicati to backup a local drive. It “looks” like robocopy and rclone permit age filtering.

You also need to think about how to restore, and how long to keep Duplicati versions (2 years as well?).