I run duplicati in docker container using: linuxserver/duplicati:latest
Which I have one backup job of backing up my photos to backblaze b2 and have been doing so for several years with duplicati.
I updated my container from Duplicati v2.0.8.1 to at the start of Dec, and now when duplicati runs I get a notification from backblaze “Download Bandwidth Cap Reached 100%”, which is 3G.
I googled and didnt see any known bugs/others reporting the problem so I wrote it off as a fluke. Now a month later and last nights run ran and the same thing happened.
Suspect below. You can drop it back to 0 if you like, but that’s 1 sample for big backup: help text:
--backup-test-percentage (Integer): The percentage of samples to test after
a backup
After a backup is completed, some (dblock, dindex, dlist) files from the
remote backend are selected for verification. Use this option to specify
the percentage (between 0 and 100) of files to test. If the
backup-test-samples option is also provided, the number of samples tested
is the maximum implied by the two options. If the no-backend-verification
option is provided, no remote files are verified.
* default value: 0 help text:
--backup-test-percentage (Decimal): The percentage of samples to test after a backup
After a backup is completed, some (dblock, dindex, dlist) files from the remote backend are selected for verification. Use this option to specify the percentage (between 0 and 100) of files to test. If
the option --backup-test-samples is also provided, the number of samples tested is the maximum implied by the two options. If the option --no-backend-verification is provided, no remote files are
* default value: 0.1
There is also --backup-test-samples, if you prefer an absolute number over percentage.
I don’t know if there’s any “right” setting – it depends on how carefully you want to check…
Backup Test block selection logic is what used to be (likely still is) how the sampling is set.
Possibly it could be tweaked someday, e.g. to avoid repeat sampling for any who are sure destination will never bit-rot a file once it’s there, but are less sure about correct uploading.
Thank you for your reply, I’ve got --backup-test-percentage set to 0.0 now to test out (gotta wait until tomorrow for the daily cap to expire to see if this is the culprit).
ran backup and it completed just fine, doesnt look like it did but only a few megs of xfer afterwards and nothing coming back from backblaze that i hit any limits. so looks like this was it! thanks again