after updating duplicati duplicati_2.0.4.1-1_all.deb on Linux Debian 8 I can not start the service.
This message appears, how can I resolve this?
root @ server: ~ # systemctl status duplicati
● duplicati.service - Duplicati web-server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/duplicati.service; enabled)
Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Mon 2018-11-12 11:47:58 -02; 8s ago
Process: 12726 ExecStart = / usr / bin / duplicati-server $ DAEMON_OPTS (code = exited, status = 1 / FAILURE)
Main PID: 12726 (code = exited, status = 1 / FAILURE)
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: duplicati.service: main process exited, code = exited, status = 1 / FAILURE
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: Unit duplicati.service entered failed state.
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: duplicati.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: Stopping Duplicati web-server …
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: Starting Duplicati web-server …
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: duplicati.service start request repeated too quickly, refusing to start.
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: Failed to start Duplicati web-server.
Nov 12 11:47:58 server systemd [1]: Unit duplicati.service entered failed state.
What version were to running before?
Are you able to run the tray icon?
Hello JonMikelV
The previous version was
I can not run duplicati in graphical mode, it is a Samba file server.
I’ve tried to go back to and the same thing happens, even removing the packages.
Do you have any suggestions for solving this problem?
Thank you
I tested upgrading from to and it worked fine for me.
If systemctl is saying Duplicati is not running, can you confirm that nothing is tying up port 8200?
netstat -a -n -o | grep ":8200"
If a line is returned and it’s in “LISTEN” state then something is still bound to that port. This will prevent Duplicati from starting if I recall.
I have had this happen on a Synology NAS when I upgraded. The previous Duplicati instance didn’t actually shut down properly so it was still running and had port 8200 claimed.
Per Downgrading / reverting to a lower version trying to downgrade across will cause a database version error message. You can probably downgrade to, but not lower than that.
You’ll probably need to try installing the deb package again, and if it still doesn’t work, we can try to fix it at that version.
Note that re-installing the package should NOT affect your existing backup jobs or settings - but backing them up first is hardly ever a bad idea.
(If you want to do so, just copy your *.sqlite and *.json files somewhere other than where they are now.)