A serious error occurred in Duplicati: System.Exception: Unable to open a socket for listening, tried ports: 8200

i installed mono from monos repo and then duplicati on my ubuntu server vps. i also enabled duplicati for systemctl. when i try to run duplicati-server i get:

$ sudo duplicati-server
A serious error occurred in Duplicati: System.Exception: Unable to open a socket for listening, tried ports: 8200
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.Server…ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] options) [0x00302] in :0
at Duplicati.Server.Program.RealMain (System.String _args) [0x00674] in :0

i tried rebooting to see if it could get the port but that didnt seem to work. i have a couple docker containers running but nothing that is interfering with port 8200 that i can see.

How are you looking? One way may be:

sudo netstat -anp | fgrep :8200

You can also test with the nc command:

nc -l localhost 8200

Duplicati.Server.exe (a.k.a. duplicati-server on your system) has an option if you do need a different port:

The port the webserver listens on. Multiple values may be supplied with a comma in between.

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hey thanks for the reply @ts678! here are the responses:

kinghat@vps:~$ sudo netstat -anp | fgrep :8200
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1242/mono-sgen
kinghat@vps:~$ nc -l localhost 8200
nc: Address already in use

It’s already running. This command should show its status:

$ sudo systemctl status duplicati

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so is this the same thing from the previous thread where i need to point my data folder to my home dir since i enabled it via systemctl?:

Maybe. Did you configure Duplicati on this new VPS before enabling it to run as root (via systemctl)?

no, i installed and then enabled it. just now getting to the config portion.

i needed to add this as well because im mapping the port over ssh from my vps and already have duplicati running here. i changed the port to 8201 and can now access the web interface locally.

Oh, so you had an SSH Tunnel set up using port 8200? Yeah that would definitely cause the problem. Out of curiosity why did you do that?

i hadnt setup the map yet. all i had done was install mono from mono repo, installed duplicati and enabled it via systemctl. then i checked duplicati-server and it gave the port error.