Migrate from cloud to cloud?

This topic has been going back and forth with various more or less related issues. Here I provide something like a conclusion of what I ended up doing.

  1. I gave up on Multcloud. It is just too buggy/unreliable and when it works, transfer is rather slow.
  2. I used the cheapest VPS from Scaleway to run rclone (their forum is at forum.rclone.org)
  3. Setting up rclone to use Amazon Cloud Drive is a bit of a pain, but thanks to these instructions, it is entirely possible.
  4. I ended up not migrating to B2 but to the German Amazon instead, since they still offer unlimited storage.
  5. Transferring from ACD (US) to ACD (DE) with this setup works extremely smoothly so far: 1 TB transferred within less than 12 hours.

Thanks to everyone helping me with this! :smiley: :+1:

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