Will Duplicati Delete Newly-Ignored Directories?

Do you purge much? I pretty much never do, and also sometimes have losing battles with Filters syntax.
Purge dry run terror is in my view more a UX issue than actual bugs, but I’m reluctant to dive into all of it.

The main point in lack of detail is that dry-run detail comes out at DryRun log level, not as regular output.
Output is a bit more assuring (hopefully not false-assuring, because it’s just a log level) for CLI users as

<purge command stuff> --console-log-level=dryrun
  Listing remote folder ...
[Dryrun]:   Purging file C:\backup source\sub1\I386\length1.txt (1 bytes)
[Dryrun]: Would write files to remote storage
[Dryrun]: Would upload file duplicati-20210718T193954Z.dlist.zip (350 bytes) and delete file duplicati-20210718T193953Z.dlist.zip, removing 2 files
[Dryrun]:   Purging file C:\backup source\sub1\I386\length1.txt (1 bytes)
[Dryrun]: Would write files to remote storage
[Dryrun]: Would upload file duplicati-20210718T220905Z.dlist.zip (350 bytes) and delete file duplicati-20210718T220904Z.dlist.zip, removing 2 files

I guess GUI users use GUI Commandline, or the live log, or use log-file=<path> log-file-log-level=DryRun.