Why the heck CAN'T we change the blocksize?

Looks unlikely with current level of community support. All progress depends on community volunteers.
Volunteers are a bit unpredictable. Sometimes they go. Sometimes new ones arrive. It’s hard to plan…

Please read further here on why IMO this is more than just a feature. I’ll highlight, but offer good news.

DB Query Performance Testing, Fixes, and Maintainability had many great thoughts on possibilities, however all of this could probably use some community help. If nothing else, see if below fix helped.

Please change default blocksize to at least 1MB #4629

I am fairly sure I fixed this issue with an index in this pull request:#4687

I had this exact issue but now I don’t after applying the indexes.

I would still like to validate that though on someone else’s dataset.

It’s unclear to me if sanitized database bug reports help, but maybe they do. Thoughts @tarianjed? is a not-publicized not-autoupdating preliminary Canary release with:

Improved database query performance, thanks @jedthe3rd

so in theory you can evaluate it on your own, however there are other untested changes in there too.
The usual Canary advice applies. Be careful because it contains new fixes and potentially new bugs.

This one is unusually rough in packaging (you can do an install from .zip file) due to signing issues.
It was mainly a quick attempt to solve a Dropbox problem, but it does exist and I’ll be running it soon.

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