What are the most secure options for backup?

I devoted the last two months for similar considerations and searching for the best backup program for me.
So I will briefly share my end conclusions.

Duplicity has disadvantages that threw him for me from my list:

Vorta (GUI for Borg) can mount the pointed backup as an ordinary folder for browsing

I am exactly the same opinion.
I have a fondness for Duplicati and I will watch it, but until I stabilize its code, I can not use it :frowning:
Here, an additional topic: Is Duplicati 2 ready for production?
The thread is old, but at some point jumps to newer times.

I am sorry that I will not describe everything in detail and all the tests, but I miss time for this :frowning:
With about ten programs I chose two and now I will test in parallel for a few months: Vorta + Kopia.io
For me important features: deduplication + encryption + authentication + compression + Mounting FUSE + GUI
Tests carried out on 6TB data
Additional resources: GitHub - restic/others: Exhaustive list of backup solutions for Linux
Duplicati will look at and waited for a stable code.

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