WebDAV, pCloud, Duplicati

Webdav error: unexpected EOF reading trailer posted on the Duplicacy (different backup program) forum reported on Dec 23 that pCloud began failing in a similar way. Word differences in the exact message are likely from the different libraries used. Duplicati uses Mono’s for its C# code, whereas Duplicacy uses a library written in Go. There are also some hints there on how to work with pCloud support if you wish to try your luck with that… Perhaps a mono update would help, but I doubt that. Results on Windows might also be interesting. It looks, though, like pCloud has closed on us early:

Thanks for that test. I wonder if pCloud has somehow lost the ability to do listings of large directories? This isn’t unheard of, and somewhat painful workarounds exist. Use fewer files, but make each larger.

What difference is there in the two profiles besides new versus old? Is new empty, and old quite full? Testing could be done of trying to make the new one look more and more like the old - until it breaks.

I wonder if the big directory listing could be made to fail in some WebDAV client that’s not a backup? Some very popular WebDAV client (if it exists) might get a better reaction if you ask pCloud support.

The “chunk” references probably refer to breaking the total response into chunks as described here, probably described in more user-friendly terms elsewhere if you want to go look. I’m not an expert…

Source guess:

(search unexpected EOF reading trailer)