Warning on latest backup - 2020-04-21 13:45:00 -06 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.DynamicLoader.DynamicLoader`1-SoftError]

I don’t know what mono would have to do with it, but the work after the early reports found below:

VSS warning on non-Windows platforms #4149

AlphaVSS.Common is only used on Windows and has long been removed on Linux fresh installs.
Problem is that a bug fix in a different area caused non-Windows systems to try to load it anyway.

Do not remove Alpha VSS dependencies in installer packages #4178 is one proposed fix method.

Users who fresh install an earlier Duplicati then have Duplicati autoupdate might not see this bug, because the updates contain all the files. Until a fix gets into Beta (which can take awhile), maybe

https://github.com/duplicati/duplicati/releases has a .zip file for your version. You can grab that .dll.

or kind of ugly in a different way, but also cleaner in a way: can probably be fresh installed, change Update channel to Beta, allow Duplicati to install as an update, and the update will probably contain a full set of files.