Verifying every file default? Can I cancel

I don’t think cloud has anything to do with it, but default is verify. If you’re determined not to, set


After restoring files, the file hash of all restored files are checked to verify that the restore was successful.
Use this option to disable the check and avoid waiting for the verification.

and what you miss looks like the below:

If that means that this was a Direct restore from backup files, that has a partial temporary database, meaning I’ll worry less about DB health if you stop Duplicati rudely, maybe even doing a process kill.

You should test using the Stop button first to see if it does anything for this situation, as I’m not sure, although there’s some tempting looking code checking TaskControlState.Stop, so maybe it will work.

Although it looks like you did not try to import inside Add backup, that database is a permanent one. Because I see some possible database work in the cited code, I’d worry more about making a mess.