Tray icon won't launch after update

Do you get any error messages from the TrayIcon at all?

It is still not clear to me what the exact problem is, if it is the connection or the TrayIcon itself.
If it is a problem with authentication, there should be warning messages printed to the console.

If this is a problem with Avalonia failing to show the TrayIcon, we should investigate that part.

You can enable verbose logging with:

DEBUG_AVALONIA=2 duplicati --no-hosted-server --serverurl=http://localhost:8200` --webservice-password=<password>

This is exactly the intention. Unfortunately, the Mono runtime (and the similar Windows .NET 4 runtime) is not being maintained so we had to change many things at the same time for this release. It has been tested, but not seen as wide use the previous version before now.

For most users, the TrayIcon hosts the server and for this setup there should be no change required. For other users the instructions are “supply a password if you are not already using one”.

Essentially a different user running the program. Duplicati uses the environment to figure out what paths to use, so running as a different user will cause it to use different paths on the system.

That is a different issue (I think). This has been resolved in the canary build for

You can install the version: