Starting backup via icon

Thank you for your input. Unfortunately Pectojin íst that sort of FLOSS-githuib-frickelware that drives me crazy every time. So can you guys help me getting it to work?

In the it says:

For installation of the Windows self contained binary package I recommend copying it to C:\Program Files\Duplicati Client and then adding that path to your environment variable path so that you can call duplicati_client from anywhere in your CLI.

So I downloded the content of " GitHub - Pectojin/duplicati-client: A command line client for controlling the Duplicati Server", put it in C:\Program Files\Duplicati Client and added “;C:\Program Files\Duplicati Client\duplicati-client-master” to the Variable value of PATH of System variables in Environment Variables.

However " duc login https://my.duplicati.server" in the Windows cmd just puts out ‘duc’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

what do I do wrong?