Slow download speed Windows Duplicati

Not quite answered. Still looking for the below:

Because possibly different systems behave differently for some reason. Still searching for any clues.

which works as follows? MSSQL makes the large database file for Duplicati to backup?

“small number of large files” refers to this statistic. I wanted to confirm that’s typical of them all:

I meant the backup uploading size. Skipping days will likely mean more change, so larger upload. Presumably you’re talking about static storage size which is surprisingly small for 105 GB source.

I don’t know what the source actually looks like, of course, nor do I know what monitoring you run.
Duplicati home page will have the source size, and on next line the backup size. Logs have more.

I don’t have MSSQL, but I think Duplicati’s approach is to use a VSS snapshot to get consistency.
Yet another MS SQL related topic - SQL Databases vs. file backup
MSSQL backup how’s it work exactly?