Slow download speed Windows Duplicati

I looked at the pattern in my profiling log, took a guess, and find that I can get it if I Edit some job.
Watching traffic going into Duplicati using Wireshark, there are three requests, and I suspect third:

GET /api/v1/backup/3 HTTP/1.1
POST /api/v1/filesystem?onlyfolders=false&showhidden=true HTTP/1.1
GET /api/v1/hyperv HTTP/1.1

Duplicati (TrayIcon) is idle except for me pushing Edit. I tried other home page buttons for this job.
Only Edit seemed to cause that noise, however in report here, it seemed to lead into other activity.
Still waiting for information on VSS, gap between 1:20 AM and 2:32 PM, and what was seen when.

Knowing if the progress bar for a specific file being read was moving (lastPgEvent check works too) would be useful to know if file reading stopped for some reason, We also don’t know if VSS is used.

I’m still trying to avoid asking for enormous profiling logs, but without better info, it may come to that.