Scheduling restore

You should be able to use your OS scheduler to fire off (directly or as part of a batch) a Duplicati.CommandLine.exe restore .... call.

In theory you could have a monthly batch file that restores, compares, notifies a different chunk of the backup each month.

Building the command line might take a little effort (I really wish there was an “Export to Commandline” option on the Commandline page!) but I don’t see why it couldn’t be done.

You can find a “full” export of the build in Duplicati.CommandLine.exe (for beta) in this post:

But I’m pretty sure you’ll only care about this:

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help restore

Usage: restore <storage-URL> ["<filename>"] [<options>]

  Restores <filename> to its original destination. If <filename> exists
  already, <filename> is changed to <filename-timestamp.extension>. To
  restore all files use "*" or leave empty.

    Overwrites existing files.
    Restores files to <restore-path> instead of their original destination.
    Top folders are removed if possible.
    Restore files that are older than the specified time.
    Restore files from a specific backup.

And in case you care, here are the Test options:

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help test

Usage: test <storage-URL> <samples> [<options>]

  Verifies integrity of a backup. A random sample of dlist, dindex, dblock
  files is downloaded, decrypted and the content is checked against recorded
  size values and data hashes. <samples> specifies the number of samples to
  be tested. If "all" is specified, all files in the backup will be tested.
  This is a rolling check, i.e. when executed another time different samples
  are verified than in the first run. A sample consists of 1 dlist, 1 dindex,
  1 dblock.

    Checks samples from a specific time.
    Checks samples from specific versions. Delimiters are , -
    Checks the internal structure of each file instead of just verifying the
    file hash
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