Restore error - Failed to patch with remote file

One drawback of the live log is it doesn’t show seconds, but earlier logs showed the retry in the minute after start, so it’s maybe neither too fast nor too slow (retry is often in the same rounded-to-the-minute).

It completed a Backend event: List so your B2 access must work, but it keeps complaining about a passphrase problem or possibly an error on that file, which varies per run – is the restore file changing? failed 2 times in the latest log. failed 5 times in the earlier log.

In case it’s encryption (because I’m not seeing network-level issues in the last log you provided), are you running with default encryption, and has passphrase changed (it’s generally not supposed to allow that)?

There are a couple of ways to pull this apart further. One is a direct restore where you basically supply all settings over again, and build a partial temporary database instead of relying on the usual local database. What this should prove is whether there’s a passphrase problem on something like the dlist file that says what the backup date is, and what files it has. If it can get that far, THAT passphrase at least works there. Actually building the partial temporary database will pull down some dindex files, and maybe dblock files. You can try the actual desired restore if it keeps cooperating, while we keep on figuring out prior issues…

Getting files (such as the two we know are having trouble) and doing a manual decrypt could also be run. Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTool.exe is quite universal, but for B2 a B2 UI download seems simpler. AES Crypt can try to decrypt it. If you prefer, SharpAESCrypt.exe in Duplicati’s install folder is its CLI tool:

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>SharpAESCrypt.exe
Usage: SharpAESCrypt e|d[o][1-4] <password> [<fromPath> [<toPath>]]

Use 'e' or 'd' to specify operation: encrypt or decrypt.
Append an 'o' to the operation for optimistic mode. This will skip some tests and leaves partial/invalid files on disk.
Append a single number (up to 4) to the operation to set the number of threads used for crypting. Default is single thread mode (1).

If you ommit the fromPath or toPath, stdin/stdout are used insted, e.g.:
  SharpAESCrypt e 1234 < file.jpg > file.jpg.aes

Abnormal exit will return an errorlevel above 0 (zero):
  4 - Password invalid
  3 - HMAC Mismatch / altered data (also invalid password for version 0 files)
  2 - Missing input stream / input file not found
  1 - Any other cryptographic or IO exception

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>