Restore dlist files

That’s not likely the exact error message. Does <job> → Show log have anything exact to show?

There are lots of similar sounding error messages possible, so message and context helps know.

Missing dindex is not fatal, but it slows the DB recreate. How far did that go on the progress bar?

If past 70%, that’s getting bad, but past 90% is an exhaustive search of something backup needs.
Best way to watch this is About → Show log → Live → Verbose, but that would need another run.

Regardless of message (which I’d still like if possible), if affected runs then you got the database recreated to some extent (it might have been slow), and truly missing dblocks represent data loss.

To make sure it’s a recreate and not old one put back somehow, recreate will lack the old job logs.
You could post a link to a DB bug report if you’d like me to try to look, but I’d still like its messages.

Tentatively I’d say run a fresh backup. For really important things you should use several ways too.
Current backup might genuinely be damaged, but the information I have so far is a little bit too thin.


Other ways of getting information saved better are About → Show → Live → Warning, and maybe
click on issues to see if they expand. You could also use log-file=<path> log-file-log-level=warning.

First I remove the local db, then I run repair command and I obtain these four messages:

2023-02-24 09:39:51 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Database.LocalRecreateDatabase-MissingVolumesDetected]: Found 2 missing volumes; attempting to replace blocks from existing volumes

2023-02-24 09:41:07 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Database.LocalRecreateDatabase-MissingVolumesDetected]: Found 2 missing volumes; attempting to replace blocks from existing volumes

2023-02-24 09:38:01 +01 - [Error-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler-MissingFileDetected]: Remote file referenced as by, but not found in list, registering a missing remote file

2023-02-24 09:38:18 +01 - [Error-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler-MissingFileDetected]: Remote file referenced as by, but not found in list, registering a missing remote file

I tested some with an intentionally removed dblock file, and wished I’d asked for information level.

Mine did in fact manage to replace the blocks, but I couldn’t find a way to get it to upload the dblock.
What this means (if it applies to you, and a DB bug report would be more certain) is that the affected
files are in kind of a fragile situation with the dblock recorded as Temporary that could easily vanish.

I wanted to see if I could persuade a new upload like dlist and dindex can do, but didn’t find a way.

If you want to look at your dblock yourself instead of uploading a DB, you can use an SQLite browser.

I inspect remotevolume table and I can’t find any entry ( or specified in the warning\error message above.

That’s odd. Your message clearly thought your destination (what type is it – can you look?) had a file

which you can type in the filter at the top of the column. Are you sure you’re in the relevant database?

Bingo! I wipe out the local db and (again) launch repair command, now I find the table entry related to dindex file (state=verified) and the entry related to dblock file (state= temporary)… similar to image above.