The COMPARE command
This is a useful command that shows the differences between two backup versions. The versions do not need to be subsequent, you can compare any two backup versions. If no versions are given, changes are shown between the two latest backups.
I think what you’re looking for is the COMPARE command. You can run it from the GUI or command line.
Here’s a discussion thread from last year:
Thank you very much again. “full-result” together with compare command works perfectly, and does exactly what i was looking for. I already made shortcut on my desktop to check what happened in last backup slight_smile it would be really awesome to have for example “add/modified/deleted” sections expandable in backup summary. We have that logic already existing for WARNINGS (list of files that were not included in backup) Or maybe just make one LOG showing files: warnings added modified d…
I know I’ve seen some users add this command to a post-backup script so they’d get an email of all new/changed/deleted files.