Missing XSRF token

The problem also occures on high end devices. I’m getting the same error om 2 Windows devices. In the Google Group this issue was also present; LINK

I recently posted this feedback;

Hi Kenneth,

Randomly i'm having this issue (in multiple browsers) and never could find a link with something not working. Most of the times i reopen the GUI and the error is gone.
Today i had the error again and kept working in the GUI without reopening it. When i wanted to add a new backup in the dropdown menu for the encryption it only showed no encryption.

So maybe the error is related to something with the encryption? After closing the browser and reopening (without the error) the encryption was available again.

Maybe this info helps resolving the issue.

Update; The same occures on a different setup, a refresh (F5) fixes the issue

Maybe this helps solving the problem.