Maintenance at the end of year

#5 –full-remote-verification is full only in the sense of being more thorough with the same sample set.
The TEST command default is 1 set of dlist, dindex, dblock. If you want all the files, you can say all, which could definitely take awhile… In any event, test command is aimed at integrity of remote files.

How to test / verify your backups talks about this method of testing.

Minimal footprint restore test is a feature request for one aimed at more fully testing the restore works, however for now the best test of that is a restore (general advice for any backup software), preferably either on a different system using direct restore to simulate disaster recovery. This proves database is recreatable from destination (at least to extent needed), and also prevents an optimization of using the existing source file blocks in the restore. The latter can be avoided using option –no-local-blocks=true.