--log-file-log-level vs. --log-level (and --log-file-log-filter), and, how many log files are there, and, what are the different logs, and, what is the meaning of the levels

The 4 database logs you listed are they only ones and they always log - there are no parameters (I know if) to adjust their log levels.

The --log-Ievel parameter is deprecated and only works with older versions of Duplicati.

The verbose of the options available for --log-file-log-level varies a bit depending on the action being taken and warnings/errors that happen, but on the whole if say your verbosity order is good except I’d move ExplicitOnly after Warning.

Just to confuse you more, don’t forget the log-filter options that will include/exclude message the regardless of the log-level. I use this for logging JUST database calls, for example.