Job log-file missing after migrating from user to service installation

@ts678 thanks for your reply!

No, I did move Duplicati-server.sqlite building on the shoulders of @ravisorg’s wisdom. So it’s the same db I had before.

I didnt say this above and now realized I shouldve. I deleted the entire job, backup files too, because of Fatal error: Detected non-empty blocksets with no associated blocks, and started afresh. This new job (imported) still has no log files.

The job is still running. This is the first backup job after migration. (Well, the 3rd. The 1st I forgot an option, so deleted job and backup files. The 2nd ran for 1.5 days then PC crashed (that’s why I’m doing backups :wink: and I was not able to restart it, nor recreate the local database, so I deleted that job and backupfiles.) But now the status bar at the top, and the details under the job (next schedule run, current action, progress bar, current file) all seem to be what I expect.

Those look fine. The Database file under the job drop-down in the GUI is in the dir I expect (that I set with --server-datafolder) and it was just updated a few min ago (job is currently running). One of the backup*.sqlite fils has also been updated recently. No other file in that dir has been updated in the last 24 hours.

Well, thanks for the tip! That table is empty! That is, the LogData table is empty.

How is that possible?

I copied the 808988....782.sqlite file to another folder and opened it with DB Browser for SQLite and it opened fine. I did not start the server nor job with --unencrypted-database at least not intentionally. It’s not a default right? It looks like it’s an option on Duplicati.Server.exe. I can see from Windows services.msc the command line Duplicati.Server.exe was started with and it does not have --unencrypted-database.

So maybe the LogData is being hidden due to encryption?