Issues to address to get out of beta

I took a stab at looking at the titles of 800+ issues last night. Main one that’s clearly going to bite hard is Google Drive if they actually go through with it. They’re being surprisingly quiet for a looming hard cutoff.

Beyond that, I’m wondering if GitHub might need to be populated (for milestone purposes) with specially created meta-issues representing particular failure modes, trying to find some pattern across all cases.

I spend more time in the forum (partly because there’s a lot of activity and relatively few people covering) meaning I might go about this by looking for patterns there, discounting what we’ve maybe just fixed, and determining if the main issues have any GitHub issues behind them. Often forum users won’t file issues.

But great idea to see what’s painful, and I’m glad we took a whack at the Issue1400 recent reappearance along with at least one route to “Detected non-empty blocksets with no associated blocks!”. Stop now or restarting the host is said in said to be another path, so @BlueBlock idea of continuing work on “stop” code fixes, or deliberately pounding Duplicati a bit with kills or shutdowns might find a reproducible case.