Invalid header marker cryptographic when trying to delete unwanted files

Got a new one – backup goes thru all of steps with maybe a handful of errors, then tries to upload the verification json and blows up

(423) locked

I appreciate all of your help, but I believe the root cause of my grief was a failed array two weeks ago. I will start making fresh backups from scratch on Tuesday whenever I can grab the machines. I’ll move the ‘bad’ backups to an external disk in case I need to pull something from several months ago. Hopefully, the remake count will be less than a third of my total load.

I’ll probably keep playing around with it, but at some point, it’s time to stop cutting bait and get your hook in the water. But please if you have any brilliant ideas you’d like me to try (in the spirit of helping the developers), I’m game.

I did find a forum post ( that had a lot of the same problems I did, especially in regards to the list-broken and purge-broken not returning anything.

