Installing Duplicati on Linux (Arch / Manjaro)

Thanks for starting this @Erik_Carlin_Technica! Hopefully this can help others with less Manjaro experience than you. :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: I’m not a normal Manjarao / Arch user but this is what worked for me in Manjaro 18 (Illyria) with XFCE.

(Note that I’ve made this a Wiki so feel free to use the image button in the lower right below the post to make any additions you feel might be useful to others.)

Installing Duplicati via XFCE GUI (mostly):

  1. Run “Add/Remove Software” (aka Pamac)
    a. If you don’t see AUR in the left column then make sure “yaourt” (no quotes) is installed. If not, go ahead and install it (there’s no need to include any of the optional dependencies).
    Enabling yaourt

    b. Enable AUR using the 3-dots “hamburger” menu (upper right). Enabling AUR

  2. Select AUR from the left column as the package source, search for Duplicati, and install it! (Be sure to include “gtk-sharp-2” and/or “mono” if prompted.)

Note that I don’t yet know how to get the tray icon running or add anything to the Manjaro menu (such as Xfce) so for now you’ll need to use a terminal window…

Running Duplicati as root / changing server parameters

To run Duplicati as another user or change server parameters:

  1. Open a terminal window and run sudo nano /usr/lib/systemd/system/duplicati.service
  2. Change any service parms on the “ExecStart” line as needed.
  3. Change the “User” and “Group” lines to run as a different user (or remove them completely to run as root).
  4. Press ctrl-x, then Y, then enter to save the file.
    Note: If Duplicati was already running, be sure to run systemctl restart duplicati to restart it with the new settings.

Starting/Stopping Duplicati

To start/stop/restart/auto-start Duplicati:

  1. Open a terminal window (sorry, I don’t know how to add items to the menu) and type systemctl start duplicati. Note that this will start it but NOT make it auto-start.
    a. To run Duplicati as a service (whether you log in or not) type systemctl enable duplicati. Note that this ENABLES the service, but doesn’t start it until next reboot.
    b. To stop Duplicati type systemctl stop duplicati
    c. To restart Duplicati type systemctl restart duplicati
    d. To check if Duplicati is running type systemctl status duplicati

Remember - Duplicati uses a web interface so once running you’ll want to go to http://localhost:8200 (if using defaults) to get to the GUI.

Removing Duplicati

To uninstall / remove Duplicati:

  1. Once installed with the above, you should be able to use the default “Add/Remove Software” GUI (like Pacman) to find and uninstall Duplicati.

    Note: Uninstalling Duplicati will NOT remove the backup jobs, destination files, and update files. If you are SURE you no longer want those jobs or backups, delete them from within Duplicati (this process CAN also remove the destination files) or as manually (by deleting the .sqlite files from your Duplicati folder and the files from the destination folder).
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