Install Duplicati on TrueNAS (FreeBSD-based)?

Hi there.

I built a TrueNAS Core jail with Duplicati and got it working. Here is a link to my notes on how I did it:

Backup: Installing Duplicati into a TrueNAS Jail

I have only been able to try it in my own single environment so far, so I will be grateful for any feedback from this community. I was in a similar boat, having run Duplicati on a TrueNAS jail before the plugin was an option, then trying the plugin, then finding out it didn’t work properly. I really like the way Duplicati works and it won’t do to be stuck without my backup system.

Lastly, I can’t get the service duplicati stop command to work at all, it seems to be selecting the wrong pid to kill.

Oh, and I didn’t go in for creating an SSL cert and all that, should be a nice upgrade for the next version.