I’ve been trying to get notepad.exe to come up elevated, but tested with Advanced
button and then check:
It would never come up, either in the all users or per-user Startup. Without option check, it comes up fine.
Tested on both an Administrator and a Standard User account to see whether the “dot” effect held for me.
Put UAC down as far as possible. Still no joy. I didn’t know your method of getting to administrator though.
Apologies to OP for getting off track. Personally I run Macrium Reflect Free to USB, Duplicati to the cloud.
Macrium doesn’t run often for me. As an image backup, I would sometimes run before Windows upgrade. Duplicati is file-oriented, and wouldn’t be quite what you want if a Windows upgrade trashed everything…
Typically it’s recommended to have at least two backups, with one remote in case local disaster happens.
Using different backup programs guards against program failures. Duplicati is pretty good, but not perfect.
Every program has some issues. Duplicati does have a pretty good feature set though, and price is good. Although it’s pushing your price limit to license the GUI, it’s possible Duplicacy can also do what you want. Other payware ones cost more, depending on how you calculate. Some free ones lack features, e.g. GUI.
We usually try to limit the backups to a few million blocks, otherwise database work can become too slow.
Maybe that should be 1 MB or more, however if things (including DB Recreate) are fast, maybe you’re OK.