How do you use PCloud?

@Kenkendk - no need on AWS credentials - giving AWS Free Tier a whirl.

@Kahomono - did some testing around AWS; very interesting conclusions:

  1. AWS is generally the quickest (beating the previous winners - Onedrive and Google). Not sure which of the other providers (Box? pcloud??) running as a wrapper around S3 - but obviously quicker if doing direct access without the translation overhead. Anyway, the various locations I tested (details on that below) basically have taken the 1,2,3 spots if you ignore local storage.

  2. The very interesting bit is geographic results. I am located in Singapore and, luckily, Amazon run a data center here (the things you learn from doing testing) and it is the absolute KING of speed, trailing my local storage by only a little bit.

So that is to be pretty much expected. What was really weird was I also tested other data centers (Asia Pac (Sydney), US (North California), EU (London)) and turns out - Sydney despite being pretty close geographically has really slow speeds. Firmly middle of the pack even compared to the other webservices with some really bad outliers. To be honest, the result is so bad perhaps one of the devs can look into the comms between AWS Syd region to see if there is some odd interaction going on causing the slow down.

Ignoring Sydney, seems like choice of data datacenters not so important as the speeds are pretty much the same between choosing EU / US.

Conclusion - S3 really the fastest cloud storage, especially wonderful if you have a local data center but even otherwise can get unbeatable speeds. but you should test a couple of datacenters to avoid picking a dud.

Hope this all helps!

For reference, link to my results spreadsheet and detailed AWS results table below.

Provider S3 Singapore S3 Sydney S3 North Cali S3 EU London
Count 13 9 12 12
Avg 0:06 0:28 0:15 0:15
Rank 3 7 5 4
StdDev 0:05 0:11 0:03 0:02
95% Perc 0:17 0:50 0:22 0:21
Rank 3 7 5 4
Include Outliers
Provider S3 Singapore S3 Sydney S3 North Cali S3 EU London
Count 13 12 13 13
Avg 0:06 1:03 0:18 0:18
Rank 3 11 5 4
StdDev 0:05 1:20 0:11 0:11
95% Perc 0:17 3:41 0:42 0:40
Rank 3 12 5 4
Provider S3 Singapore S3 Sydney S3 North Cali S3 EU London
Exclude 3 7 5 4
Include 3 12 5 4
Diff 0 5 0 0