Help restore after hard drive crash

Yes and no.

Yes in that the database restored from your backup would speed up your data restore, but no in that the actual restore would be more difficult due to the additional steps of:

  1. Recreating the database backup job
  2. Restoring the database
  3. Pointing your recreated data backup job (which would have a new database name) to the restored database

What would work really well for a scenario like this would be if the above steps could be automated as part of the Duplicati installer. “Oh crap, my drive died - that’s OK, I’ll just install Duplicati which will ask if I need to restore from an existing backup with (or without) a backed up database.”

This would also work well for the Restore as fast+easy as possible (on new machine)... with db? How? scenario of “I’ve been kidnapped and the ransom requires my backups to be restored” (less likely, but also less depressing than “I’m dead and my tech averse family needs their data back”).