Google Team Drives Setup

Not yet - mostly because Google Team Drives support is still experimental (as of release canary).

That being said, it was described in this post how an option (--googledrive-disable-teamdrive) was added to hide team drives. What wasn’t mentioned was that it was defaulted to TRUE (hide Team Drives) - likely because of minimal testing.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out how to get even the experimental stuff to work with or without the parameter enabled via the Advanced Options section (remember, that options block changes depending on the Storage Type selected about).

Note that I did not try any of the expanded OAUTH options one can get by:

  • copying the link AuthID link on the Destination setup page (it should look something like
  • removing the “type=googledrive&” part of the link (you should have something like
  • pasting it into a browser window (giving you a full list of available OATH options including “Google Drive (full access) login” - though I doubt that will help with the Team Drive stuff)

Any suggestions on how we can test Google Team Drive @kenkendk?