Fails to connect to Google drive or Microsoft onedrive - resolved

Installed and ran the “Add backup” menu item.

After selecting the destination, failed to connect to either Google drive or Microsoft onedrive when the “test connection” button is pressed.

The version I am running is Duplicati -
My operating system is Linux X86_64 (Fedora 25)

The error message in both cases is:

Failed to connect: The server certificate had the error RemoteCertificateChainErrors and
the hash CAE9446671F1C1915834A85CE7FC62B3B3F89656 If you trust this certificate, use the
commandline option --accept-specified-ssl-hash=CAE9446671F1C1915834A85CE7FC62B3B3F89656 to
accept the server certificate anyway. You can also attempt to import the server certificate
into your operating systems trust pool. You may want to import a set of trusted
certificates into the Mono certificate store. Use the command: cert-sync
/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt #for Debian based systems cert-sync
/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt #for RedHat derivatives Read more:

I have retried after running the cert-sync /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt command
and the result is the same.

Maybe your operating system does not support the root certificates that Google and Microsoft uses?

Are you using the Fedora version of Mono? I recall some issues with that, but no issues with using the one from the Mono website:

There are some more debugging hints here: SSL TLS support in Mono · duplicati/duplicati Wiki · GitHub

OK, it works fine after I upgraded to mono version

The mono centos7 repository package appears to install and work OK on Fedora.

Previously I was running mono version 4.4.2-1 from the Fedora repository.