Error on linux mint

Is this exactly what original post got on Feb 7, except on Feb 8 Recreate?
Verbose log got a more detailed view of it (below), but bad file stayed bad.

2024-02-08 19:20:37 +01 - [Verbose-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler-ProcessingFilelistVolumes]: Processing filelist volume 27 of 36
2024-02-08 19:20:37 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler-FileProcessingFailed]: Failed to process file:
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Échec du déchiffrement des données (phrase de passe invalide ?) : Message has been altered, do not trust content ---> SharpAESCrypt.SharpAESCrypt+HashMismatchException: Message has been altered, do not trust content
  at SharpAESCrypt.SharpAESCrypt.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x00405] in <45c43198e80545aeabaa9b98839b4c7d>:0 
  at Duplicati.Library.Utility.Utility.CopyStream (System.IO.Stream source, System.IO.Stream target, System.Boolean tryRewindSource, System.Byte[] buf) [0x0003d] in <ae4a5c68f78041539efc9420d056bd22>:0 
  at Duplicati.Library.Encryption.EncryptionBase.Decrypt (System.IO.Stream input, System.IO.Stream output) [0x00008] in <41486abae9984475bc4414ccb638da87>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Duplicati.Library.Main.AsyncDownloader+AsyncDownloaderEnumerator+AsyncDownloadedFile.get_TempFile () [0x00008] in <9cab5b8f1b4f49ec980acae8e278968b>:0 
  at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler.DoRun (Duplicati.Library.Main.Database.LocalDatabase dbparent, System.Boolean updating, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter, Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler+NumberedFilterFilelistDelegate filelistfilter, Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler+BlockVolumePostProcessor blockprocessor) [0x00570] in <9cab5b8f1b4f49ec980acae8e278968b>:0 
2024-02-08 19:20:37 +01 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: Get - Started: (3,70 MB)
2024-02-08 19:20:37 +01 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: Get - Completed: (3,70 MB)
2024-02-08 19:20:37 +01 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: Get - Started: (3,70 MB)
2024-02-08 19:20:37 +01 - [Verbose-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler-ProcessingFilelistVolumes]: Processing filelist volume 28 of 36

After the bad file, it seems to pick right back up and continue, but bad file has done its damage.
Ordinarily this can be fixed from database data, but I guess the old database has been deleted.

AES Crypt can do a second test on the file. It’s an easy Windows tool. Can you get it on Linux?
If so, try to decrypt the dlist that Duplicati thinks is now corrupted. Use the Duplicati passphrase.

We’re not sure what shape your other pCloud Drive files are in, but you can survey all your files
as described in neighboring forum topic Error while running Synology backup, on damaged files.

One thing about your case that might be better than that one is dlist happens on each backup.
Throwing one away might not be that bad, for example rename it to not start with a duplicati-.

Testing entire backup would still be advised, but I’m not sure how well it will work at the moment.
You can certainly test a tiny (like 1 sample) of The TEST command in GUI, then maybe try more.
Unfortunately, due to assumed deletion of old database, I’m not sure how trustworthy new DB is.
EDIT: After some testing, I’m leaning towards it having enough records to find damaged dblocks.
Database Recreate tested the dlist and dindex files by actually trying to decrypt and use them.