Error: Failed to decrypt data

Yes, coming from Crashplan, that’s exactly what I mean. I don’t want to go through the process of uploading those terrabytes again for weeks, until I have an actually functioning backup setup (because the unfinished backup blocks all others).

It’s certainly possible, but I don’t know when I can find the time. It’s a completely new procedure to me and I’m already spending way too much time with duplicati that I should be doing other things. So the expected benefits of such a purpose would have to be very clear to me…

Very unlikely. I have exactly two passwords for duplicati archives in my password manager, one of which was for a first test archive a long time ago. The only reason I’ve not deleted it is: You never know. So I’m pretty sure I’ve always been using the other one. And, from what I understand, duplicati doesn’t allow me to change passwords by default.

But okay, since I’m not 110% sure, I can see why such a test might make sense. But if we’re trying such rather unlikely things, does this mean, there are no other, more likely reasons for this failure? Why are we focusing on the passphrase part of the error, when the “files corrupted” part seems much more plausible? What do you do if (some of) your files are corrupted?