Error after running "list-broken-files"

Hi everyone,
I’m in the process of troubleshooting a database error for a backup job. The “General” log from the web GUI is empty, and running “list-broken-files” prompts with another error:


2 : 02/05/2020 01:00:04 (2 match(es))
/mnt/f/apri/apria/core/tomcat/tomcat8/logs/stop_tomcat.txt (70.12 KB)
Failed to send message: System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
=> The method or operation is not implemented.
Return code: 0

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


What is the actual database error you are trying to troubleshoot? list-broken-files is more for resolving issues where files are missing on the back end, not local database issues.

This is what the first error reported:
“Failed: Unexpected number of remote volumes marked as deleted. Found 2 filesets, but 3 volumes”

I tried repairing the DB first (didn’t solve), then recreating it, and got presented with this error:
“Failed: Recreated database has missing blocks and 1 broken filelists. Consider using “list-broken-files” and “purge-broken-files” to purge broken data from the remote store and the database.”