Duplicati Database Recreate running for a week

Database and destination internals so you removed a value here?

blocklists one or more blocklist hashes of large file

The blocklist hash leads to the blocklist which defines the file. I don’t see how any repair can fix that.

It’s looking for references to blocks that aren’t in the index. Without a reference it can’t identify missing.

This syntax was introduced in Python 3.9. Any idea how one was supposed to do this on earlier ones?

Path objects

Path. open (mode=‘r’, ***, pwd, **** )

Invoke ZipFile.open() on the current path. Allows opening for read or write, text or binary through supported modes: ‘r’, ‘w’, ‘rb’, ‘wb’. Positional and keyword arguments are passed through to io.TextIOWrapper when opened as text and ignored otherwise. pwd is the pwd parameter to ZipFile.open().

Changed in version 3.9: Added support for text and binary modes for open. Default mode is now text.