Downgrading / reverting to a lower version

My guess (on a thread you were on) is below. Would you consider donating some hours to explore this? Basically, it’s a whole lot of clicking plus record-keeping. Retroactive testing is probably too much to ask. Previous note here also points out that there is no downgrade test suite, so precision data loses value…

Error accessing database version 9 plus a note that does 8, and I’m not sure I want to go further, however I suspect the table at top could use confirmation, and there are also two different DBs involved.

I’m thinking v2.0.4.13- through (so far) v2.0.4.22- however if you’re not testing bleeding-edge canary releases, v2.0.4.21- might be what you had.

Basically, to be the most helpful, one would say where a DB got added on each of the release channels. Databases for the server DB and the backup DB go independently, but either one can hurt a downgrade.